Two Days in Hammond, IN
I just completed 8 presentations in two days to students, teachers, and parents from St. Sanislas and Bishop Noll Academy in Hammond, IN. While my vocal chords think they just finished the NY Marthon, it was well worth it. I always like it when I have the opportunity to talk to all of the stake holders in a school district. Whether they agree with all I say is nowhere near as important as having the opportunity to get everyone on the same page and providing a basis for discussion.
For this particular presentations I did quiet a bit of customizing to my PowerPoints and video selection. I also tried something for the very first time. In two of the presentations, I asked students to come up on stage and we did a quick impromptu podcast using my cell phone and published it through gcast,com. You can access them on the right side of this blog.
While talking to them about not sharing too much personal information I made the point of being aware of what your friends are saying and sharing about you. To add a bit of empahasis to the statement, I showed them our new Flash animation Beware of Your Friends Online. It gives new meaning to the old saying, "With friends like that, who needs enemies."
The kids were a great audience and I was both pleased and grateful for the large parental turn out

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