Teacher Found Guilty Follow Up 1
More information is flooding in about Julie Amero, the substitute teacher found guilty of accessing pornography in the classroom.
In my previous post, I reserved judgement until more fact were in, but in all honesty my gut reaction was that the teacher is innocent. It also appeared that the school district had woefully poor technology protection and protocols in place.
While I will still adopt a wait and see attitude and sift through more information as it becomes available, I feel that the trend appears to suggest a less than thorough forensics and less than adequate technology expertise on the part of the defence.
If the case was made primarily on the basis of simply finding pornographic images on the computer, rather than a careful interpretation of the log activity in conjunction with the images, it could very well be a serious miscarriage of justice.
If I were to make accusations about students and teachers accessing pornography based solely on the fact that images were downloaded to the computer when they were using it, I would be accusing a lot of innocent people.
Let's see what unfolds...

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