Summit Slideshow |

Art Wolinsky, WiredSafety's Director of Educational Technology presents lessons and commentary on online safety and information literacy.
Summit Slideshow |
Podcast Version
I have to begin this blog with an apology. You will have to rely on the podcast audio version of this entry. Most of the text version was lost. After typing this out and recording it, I inadvertently closed the file without saving it. As a result most of the text was lost and my schedule prevents me from rewriting it. At least I can offer a few paragraphs.
On June 21st, the Westchester, NY Executive's Office hosted WiredSafety's First Annual Community and Social Networking Summit. The fist half of the day was a closed session with law enforcement and members of the industry including executives from Xanga, Bebo, Facebook, Piczo, and Tagged. The second half of the day included invited members of the public spanning all areas from regulators to parents and the media.
What made the summit unique was the participation of youth as equal partners in the process. During the morning session members of the WiredSafety Teenangels participated in discussions of what law enforcement needs to know when they go under cover. After all, no one knows how to be a 12 year old better than a 12 year old.
During the lunch break the teens circulated with guests were doing face to face social networking, that is until they stopped at the table where they got a peek at some things Disney will be launching soon. It was like a traffic jam on the Tapanzee Bridge.
At lunch, the group was addressed by FCC Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour, who discussed regulations as they currently apply to the industry and offered tips to teens and parents about keeping save online.
After lunch Tiffany, one of the original Teenangels, officially introduced the group and launched the afternoon session, which included more than three dozen speakers on three panels who addressed the Facts, Fears, and Future of Social Networking.
...Lost text begins here.
Partial List of Presenters
Robin Raskin - Advisor to Yahoo Tech.
Della Curtis - Coodinator of Library Media Services for Baltimore County.
Steve Parkis - Head of Premium Products for Disney.
Harry Valetk - Dir Online Privacy Online - Software Rating Board
Jeff Mandelbaum - Investment advisor
Rossell Thompson - Former FTC chairman & Tagged Chief Privacy Officer
Joselle Shea - National Crime Prevention Council
Paige Ralston - Recording Industry Association of America
Mark Ginsburg - President of Xanga
Margaret Sullivan - Technology teacher and Teenangel chapter leader
Paul Gillespi - Det. Sgt Toronto Police
Steve Klein - NY Attorney General's Office
Mike Delohery- Chief of the cybercrimes unit at Westchester DA.
Andrew Donofrio- Head of Cybercrime unit in Bergen County.
Kim Kennedy - Producer of the CBS Early Show and CBS News
Dana Castelvecchi- Parent
Allan McCullough - Child Safety Research & Innovation Center
Allan Kush - Executive Director of WiredSafety
Tom Maurer - Warren County, Ohio Sheriff
Mary Ellen and Jenna - Teenangels
John Haynes - Korn Haynes Advertising
Andy Korn - Korn Haynes Advertising
Art Wolinsky - Director of Educational Technology - WiredSafety
Kelli Emerick - Principal, IT Policy Solutions
Catherine Bolton - Exec. Dir. PRSA
Joanne McNabb - Chief, CA Office of Privacy Protection Dept of Consumer Affairs
Lisa Rountree - Disney Mobile
Michael Birch - President of Bebo
Chris Kelly - General Counsel -
Kathy Zanonic - Chief Privacy Officer Verizon
Marty Schultz - CEO of Imbrella
Connie McCue - Principal - St. Elizabeth's School, Wyckoff
Closing Video (6 Meg) |
Podcast Version
Podcast Version